January 4, 2017

Spousal Impoverishment Amount Update

By Demetrice Williford, Staff, Advisory Services

Spousal Impoverishment Amount Update

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) issued a provider notice December 16, 2016 regarding Spousal Impoverishment.

View full notice.

Spousal Impoverishment Standards remain the same as they were in 2016 for January 1, 2017. The Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) remains $109,560 which is the maximum amount of resources a resident can transfer to community spouse. The Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) remains $2,739 which is the maximum monthly amount a resident can give to a community spouse. Nursing facilities should explain Spousal Impoverishment Standards during the application process.

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