August 22, 2016

Construction Data Decidedly Mixed

Rate of Industry Expansion Softened in Early '16

Construction Data Decidedly Mixed

Issue 16 – Second Quarter 2016

After several months of disappointing construction spending and employment data, July represented a most welcome bit of good news. Data from prior months had indicated significant softening in nonresidential construction spending growth and diminished hiring. The overall U.S. construction industry shed 27,000 positions during the threemonth period ending in June.

Table of Contents

  • Exhibit 1. Nonresidential Spending, June 2016 – CHART
  • Joe’s View
  • Exhibit 2. Construction Employment Growth in 20 Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas, June 2015 v. June 2016 – CHART
  • Exhibit 3. Nonresidential Construction Spending, June 2014 through June 2016 – GRAPH
  • Second Quarter 2016 Performance – CHART

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