December 31, 2017

Public Accounting Report featured Tax Partner Janis Cowhey, co-leader of the Modern Family & LGBT Services group, in a special report about diversity in accounting firms.

Public Accounting Report

Featured Janis Cowhey, Modern Family & LGBT Services Group Leader

Public Accounting Report featured Tax Partner Janis Cowhey, co-leader of the Modern Family & LGBT Services group, in a special report about diversity in accounting firms. Modern Family & LGBTQ Services


Back in 2011, after New York sanctioned same-sex marriage, Janis Cowhey, a partner with Marcum LLP, based in New York, found herself handling more and more inquiries about taxes and financial planning from same-sex couples. She and several other Marcum professionals recognized that they had the nucleus of a new practice.

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Janis L. Cowhey

Janis L. Cowhey


  • Tax & Business
  • New York, NY