Marcum’s LGBT & Non-Traditional Family Practice Group Featured in the New Haven Register Article "New Haven Firm Keeping LGBT on its Radar; Taken Into Account for Taxes, Planning"
New Haven Register
By Alexandra Sanders

In states that recognize same-sex marriage, couples have to file a minimum of three tax returns if they want to file jointly because federal law doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.
And according to Janis Cowhey, partner at Marcum LLP, that’s the least of the tax-related obstacles that same-sex couples face.
“The obstacles are endless,” she said. “Most people who get married travel, move and go on vacation and same-sex marriage may be recognized in Connecticut and New York, but what happens when you go to Florida? What if when you’re there one person gets hurt and you want to see (your partner) in the hospital but you aren’t recognized (as) a spouse or next of kin?”
Those are just a few issues that prompted Marcum LLP, a national accounting, tax and advisory firm, to form its Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Non-Traditional Family Practice Group.