A Rousing Routine

I read a column every Sunday in the Metro NY section of The New York Times called “Sunday Routine.” It chronicles the weekend habits of some interesting and prominent New Yorkers. Not being one, I haven’t been covered, but I thought I’d share at least part of my Sunday routine with you.
In the fall of 1986, I moved into a condominium community on Long Island called Imperial Gardens. Shortly thereafter I met Bruce Bendell, who’s been a client and close friend ever since. In the spring of 1987, Bruce organized a doubles tennis game at our community that included himself, Marc Cohen, Lloyd Grief and me. We’d meet at 8:00 every Sunday morning, play for a couple of hours, go out for breakfast, and be home by around 11:00.
Since that original tennis game all those years ago, other people have joined and left the group, but Bruce, Marc and I are still together. Along the way, tennis evolved into golf, and golf evolved into working out at the local gym. The breakfast spot moved from the bagel store to the diner, and then to other local places. Lloyd passed away. Steve Hornstock played for a while, and then dropped out, as did Warren Estis, but Bruce, Marc and I persisted.
Now my family and I live in Manhattan. But I still have my Sunday morning gym group. Paul Seltzer and Stu Cohen have joined, so the five of us work out and then go to a (new) local bagel shop for breakfast and male bonding. It’s nice to spend time on a Sunday morning working up a sweat, breaking bread, and sharing business and personal issues and stories with friends.
As always, I leave my apartment at 8 AM and usually get home by 11, which leaves the rest of the day for my family. It’s just enough “me” time to unwind with my buddies without sacrificing the entire day.
It’s worked for 26 years, and I expect it will continue to work for another 26 (at least I hope so!).
There’s something to be said for a tried-and-true Sunday routine. Beneath a seemingly mundane surface, a good routine is a source of comfort and even inspiration. I guess that’s what the editors at The New York Times figure, too.
Here’s hoping you enjoy your own Sunday routine. Bon weekend.