Early Thanksgiving

October 16 has come and gone, and 2016 tax filings (unless you live in a hurricane or other federal disaster zone) are, as they say, “in the books.”
When I started at Marcum some 36 years ago, we were a much smaller firm, with a much simpler practice and just a few annual deadlines. Oh, have these past 36 years changed things. As our practice has grown, so have the complexities of regulatory filings of all kinds. IRS, SEC, DOL, and the list goes on. Just when one deadline passes, another one looms. And that’s just on the regulatory and compliance side of our business. Every project or transaction also seems to have a deadline; not regulatory or filing, but other requirements dictated by the nature of the transaction. And we at Marcum are here to meet those deadlines on behalf of and for the benefit of our clients.
So first on this week’s agenda is a thank you to everyone at Marcum. I don’t get to thank you all personally, and certainly not often enough. Marcum has the most unbelievable group of dedicated associates who sacrifice in more ways than they should (it’s just the nature of the profession) in order to meet our clients’ needs and desires, day in and day out. It takes special people to realize that in addition to and as important as technical competence is, so is exceptional client service. And the Marcum team gets it. So, thank you!
Next, to our clients and referral sources who put their trust in us time and again to know what we’re doing and who rely on us to get it done on time. Tax returns, financial statements, regulatory filings, and all the rest are intimidating to most lay people who don’t deal with these things on a daily basis. Having a firm you can turn to to alleviate the stress of dealing with deadlines and filings is essential. We are honored to be your firm, and we work day in and day out (and many nights and weekends) to earn your trust and confidence. Speaking for all of us at Marcum, I thank you.
Lastly and perhaps most importantly, to the extended Marcum family — our spouses, children, significant others, life partners, and everyone else close to us — an especially big thank you. Most jobs require some kind of sacrifice at whatever time is prime season for that business or career. Public accounting has more than most, and our loved ones often pay the price for letting us do what our clients need and expect us to do. Without the support of our families and their understanding when we sometimes neglect them because work is calling, we couldn’t do what we do, and that doesn’t get acknowledged enough. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
The next couple of weeks gives us a break from the pressure of deadlines. Vacations, training, planning for next year, all with more normalcy in our work schedule. If you need us, we’re here. But I hope most of our overworked Marcum associates take the next couple of weeks to smell the roses (as they say) before the next cycle kicks in and we miss the opportunity to recharge. To all of you who contribute to make Marcum the firm it is — THANK YOU! Enjoy the weekend.