In the Know

Some New Yorkers were born in Brooklyn and moved to Vermont. Some were born in Chicago and moved here. And others were born here and stayed put. Some were born into inherited wealth. Some earned their fortunes, and some pay the mortgage with their bootstraps. But no matter what, a real New Yorker knows certain things that no one else knows. Trust me. I know.
1. Real New Yorkers know how to hail a cab. (OK, for you faithful readers who remember how I’ve waxed poetic about Uber in the past: I do love the genius behind the technology. Don’t hold it against me).
2. Wall Street is where you go for dinner and drinks.
3. Uptown is north. Downtown is south. The compass app on your iPhone is a waste of time.
4. Kossar’s on Grand Street makes the only bialy worthy of the name. (If you know what a bialy is but you’ve never been to Kossar’s, you’re a New Yorker in training).
5. Pedestrian malls are for tourists.
6. The difference between Zabar’s and Dean and DeLuca is lox vs. squid ink pasta.
7. The best celebrity sightings are at Barney’s, and the best salad in town is at Fred’s upstairs.
8. Dog walkers earn more than CEOs.
9. August is the best time for restaurant reservations and theater tickets – everyone is on vaca.
10. The fastest route from the Upper East Side to the Hamptons is by helicopter.
And by the way, deep dish is not real pizza.
For those who celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover, have a wonderful Seder.
P.S. For those of you who have been waiting for the next installment of the Bourne franchise, click here for a sneak peak.