Seasonal Vortex
It’s prime time here at Marcum, with no sign of let up for several more weeks to come.
As many of you probably realize, we have a seasonal business to a large extent, based on regulatory, credit grantor and Internal Revenue Service deadlines. The overwhelming majority of our clients, both business and personal, have December 31 year ends and various regulatory financial statement and tax return deadlines that come as a result.
Be it bankers for private companies, personal tax returns, SEC deadlines for public companies, deadlines in partnership agreements for real estate ventures, or hedge funds and private equity funds, all require some type of accountant prepared financial information, which for the most part gets done between January and April (with certain exceptions) each year.
So, over the next few weeks, up to April 30 in some cases (and June 30 for some others), most of us at Marcum, whether we work in tax, assurance, advisory or accounting services, or we service private companies, public companies, funds or individuals, will be working at more than capacity to meet our clients’ service needs at or beyond their expectations.
Keeping this in mind, most people don’t hear thank you enough, and this is the time our people need to hear it the most. So first to our clients, who’ve entrusted us and rely on us to help them meet their financial and tax regulatory deadlines. We deeply value the confidence you’ve placed in us and are committed to meeting if not exceeding your expectations. Next, to all of the Marcum team members. Public accounting is truly a team profession, and we couldn’t do what we do without the outstanding efforts of every one of you. We are in it together. And finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank our families and friends who, year in and year out, support us at this critical juncture, when they always seem to be our lowest priority (“seem” being the operative word). We simply could not live up to our expectations without your support.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
On a another note, today is Good Friday, one of the most hallowed days of the Christian calendar, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.
Sunday is Easter, perhaps the holiest day of the year for Christians, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Happy Easter to those of you who observe.