See You After Labor Day!

Well here it is, the last hurrah before our annual summer break.
As is our tradition, we won’t be writing this column during July and August. Like many of you, I’m getting ready to take some well-deserved (at least I think it’s well-deserved) time off, reduce my work schedule a bit and really enjoy the next two months with my family. For the Weiner household, summer means escaping the heat and humidity of Manhattan and spending time outdoors in one of my favorite places in the world — the East End of Long Island.
This year is no exception. With the Fourth of July around the corner, I’m already looking forward to the beach, boating, BBQing, golf and spending a long, relaxing (not with all of those activities) weekend with my family. I’m a big believer that no one should be “on” 24/7. Our best ideas often come when we’re relaxing and doing what we love.
It’s hard to believe I’ve now been sharing my thoughts with you on Fridays, for six years now. Although I may never get to meet many of you face to face – it’s next to impossible in a company of this size – I really enjoy getting the letters you send, even when you disagree with what I’ve been saying and call me out on it. It’s a great way for me to stay connected to you and what’s on your mind, so keep those emails coming. I especially enjoy when I do get to meet some of you, as I did with a long time client in New Jersey earlier this week (nice meeting you Jonathan and Robyn), that you already feel that you know me and we’ve been friends for years. I read all of your feedback personally and look forward to seeing what you think about the issues that pop into my head when I’m riding in the elevator or out on my morning run. With the kind of headlines we’ve had this year, there’s been no shortage of topics to think – and write – about.
Before I sign off for the summer, I’d be remiss without acknowledging and thanking the TOTW team. As many of you know, everything at Marcum is about the team and is usually a team effort, this column not being any different. To Julie Gelfand, my long time editor, and Chris Pelosi, our head of electronic marketing, you both know this wouldn’t be possible without you, so thank you for what you do and, more importantly, putting up with me. And to the newest member of our team, Elaine Pofeldt, you figured us out and have become integral to the process quicker than Julie and I could have imagined. Welcome and thank you.
I wish you all a wonderful summer break, however you opt to spend the precious weeks ahead. After the long winter we just had, I know many of you will be joining me and my colleagues at Marcum in soaking up every ray of sunshine you can. We’ll be back September 7. Enjoy!