February 12, 2018

The Hartford Business Journal quoted Connecticut Tax Partner-in-Charge Brett McGrath, in an article about the impacts of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017.

Hartford Business Journal

Featured Paul Graney, Partner, Tax & Business Services

The Hartford Business Journal quoted Connecticut Tax Partner-in-Charge Brett McGrath, in an article about the impacts of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017. Tax & Business


“…[B]usiness clients are craving information,” said Brett McGrath, the partner in charge of accounting firm Marcum’s Connecticut tax services. In addition to constant email blasts about the latest tax changes, Marcum held three days of webinars at the end of January for its clients, McGrath said.

Click here to read a PDF version of the article >>


Brett  McGrath

Brett McGrath

Partner-in-Charge, Tax Services - Connecticut

  • Tax & Business
  • Hartford, CT