2018 Actual and 2019 Executive Pay Forecast

The Contractor Compensation Quarterly (CCQ) is especially designed for the busy construction executive that needs to keep abreast of competitive compensation and benefit levels within the industry.
The acquisition and retention of skilled and qualified personnel, at all levels, is undeniably one of managements greatest challenges right now. Making it even more difficult, it certainly appears that the demand for talented people is greater than the available supply.
What can a business leader do?
We feel that good data may be the key to winning the right hire and conquering that challenge. By setting the correct, research-based salary levels you may just gain the competitive edge you need. Of course, there is more to hiring and retaining talent than just dollars and cents (e.g. advancement opportunities, training, corporate culture) but you do first need to get them in the door. To that end, I hope that you find this PAS Contractor Compensation Quarterly helpful and we always welcome your feedback.