Federal Clearinghouse Transition Delayed
By Damion Cogle, Director, Advisory Services
Not-for-profit organizations that receive federal funding are required to perform a Uniform Guidance single audit if expenditures related to this federal funding exceed a certain threshold within an organization’s fiscal year. Organizations are required to uploaded federal single audit packages to a Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) within 30 days of acceptance of the financial statements and no later than nine months of the end of the organization’s fiscal year.
A couple years ago, an initiative was launched to transition the FAC from the Department of Commerce Census Bureau to the General Services Agency (GSA). This transition was initially intended to be effective October 1, 2022, for organizations with a federal fiscal 2022 year-end; however, in Governmental Audit Quality Center (GAQC) Alert # 444, it was noted that the planned transition of the census to the GSA had been delayed until October 1, 2023, to allow for more pilot testing.
What does this mean for federal fiscal 2022 single audits?
The federal audit clearinghouse (FAC) website has to be modified to accept the forms for one more year, which began on October 1, 2022. This means that single audit packages should continue to be sent to the current Census Bureau FAC and not the GAS FAC.
As the transition continues, organization management should monitor GAQC alerts and other authoritative resources for updated information.