2015 Marcum MicroCap Conference Featured in The Wall Street Journal Article, "Lehman's Fuld, 7 Years Later, Says Perfect Storm Caused Crisis."
The Wall Street Journal
By�Maureen Farrell and�Stephanie Yang
Richard Fuld Jr., the man at the helm of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. when it collapsed in 2008, said a “perfect storm” of events caused the financial crisis.
Among the contributing factors Mr. Fuld listed Thursday were government officials who pushed for lower home-lending standards and homeowners who used their equity on their homes “as ATM accounts.”
His comments came at the 2015 Marcum MicroCap Conference in midtown New York, where he was giving the keynote luncheon address-his first such appearance since Lehman filed for bankruptcy. The first minutes of his remarks were broadcast live on CNBC, complete with the clinking of the silverware in the background.