April 29, 2020

Webinar Recap: Leveraging Private Foundations During Challenging Times

Webinar Recap: Leveraging Private Foundations During Challenging Times Tax & Business

Webinar Materials:

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Marcum LLP is kicking off its webinar series for private foundations with this in-depth look at various questions that have been raised by our clients and other foundations during this national and world-wide pandemic. Join our group of private foundation specialists as they discuss various topics and respond to your questions.


  1. Summary of relief programs available for nonprofits and their employees
  2. Extended federal and state tax deadlines for returns and estimated tax payments
  3. Impact of the CARES Act on charitable giving
  4. Changes to NOL carryback rules
  5. Protecting foundation corpus while meeting minimum distribution requirements
  6. Use of Disaster Relief Options


Mary Antonetti – Partner, Tax & Business
Marla Esan – Director, Tax & Business
Aaron Fox – Director, Nonprofit Tax & Business Services
Frank Smith – National Leader, Nonprofit Tax & Business Services

Coronavirus Resource Center

Have more questions about the impact of the coronavirus on your business? Visit Marcum’s Coronavirus Resource Center for up-to-date information.