Ronald Finkelstein, Tax & Business Services Partner, Featured in Article "CPAs Open to LGBT Couples"
Long Island Business News
By Bernadette Starzee

Many cheered last year’s legalization of same-sex marriage in New York. Among those showering rice along with best wishes were perceptive accounting firms.
The forward-looking accountants, aware of newly-minted and complicated tax issues triggered by the legislation, were ready to greet the blissful couples beating a path to their offices.
Earlier this year, Marcum, the accounting and consulting firm with a Melville office, established a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and “non-traditional family” practice group to serve the unique accounting needs of these clients. Other accounting firms have made efforts to get out in front of the issue, marketing LGBT services as a specialty, while others are scrambling to get up to speed on new regulations to provide expert guidance.
Nationally, about a dozen Marcum partners and managers devote part of their time to the LGBT practice.
“We are promoting the practice and letting people know we have expertise in this area,” said Ronald Finkelstein, a partner in the Melville office who works in the group.
The firm has been speaking at engagements in the professional community, developing relationships with local LGBT groups, promoting the practice on its website and educating staff with internal training.
“LGBT and other non-traditional families have to deal with certain tax complications and they want to know they’re working with professionals that have the ability to guide them,” Finkelstein said.
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